What we will cover in this course

Welcome! I am so pleased that you have joined this course, as it demonstrates your desire to employee performance in a way that is positive for both you and your employees. The "old school" approach to managing through pressure and threatening just doesn't work! In fact, it has a negative effect on employee performance over the long term. And it takes it toll on you - the manager. Most of us don't like to be the bad guy. Confrontation is uncomfortable, and even stressful for some supervisors.

The good news is that there's a better way! It involves a process of goal setting, feedback and motivation. In this mini course, I'm going to show you how to get quick wins by simply removing the barriers to employee motivation. It really can be simple and painless. In fact, it can be a positive experience for both you and your employees.

We are going to cover two objectives in this course:

  1. Build your knowledge and awareness of 3 major barriers to employee motivation
  2. Create your unique action plan to remove barriers and see results in your employees performance

Next up, you will have the option to download the Action Plan Guide. If you print it off now, you can stop and reflect on different aspects throughout the course. The guide itself is self explanatory, but you will need to spend some time reflecting on the questions.

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